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Our mission is to promote the integral health of the individual and / or group in all dimensions of being (physical, mental and emotional), rescuing potential values and giving autonomy for better choices, better results in all sectors of life.
Understand values such as: trust, freedom, responsibility, cooperation, proactivity, respect, commitment, empathy, among others. They can be achieved through knowledge, giving awareness of how to carry out these values with skill, manifesting the potential for maximum excellence of the individual and / or group.

A little about us ...

Ana Paula Taglianetti

Singer, cantotherapist and yoga instructor. Uses music and singing as tools for the therapeutic solution of psychophysical issues, using sound therapy techniques from the Sound Healing Institute (California, USA), and from the Voice Unveiling School (Sweden) . Full breathing, body and hormonal balancing techniques, restoring the global balance are some of the countless benefits obtained as a result of this work.

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Cantotherapist | Voice Yoga Teacher | Yoga Instructor
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Ana Paula Taglianetti
Ana Paula Taglianetti
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Diogo Camargo
Music therapist | Yoga Instructor
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Musician, music therapist and yoga instructor. It has been promoting works aimed at self-knowledge through the tools of yoga and music since 2005, offering courses, workshops and experiences, as well as trips focused on well-being and integral health. Develops exclusive work of sound massage as therapy for the well-being of the psychophysical state, with the use of instruments such as table lyre, digested and Tibetan bowls.

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